Multiple databases with Spring Boot MongoDB Repositories

Recently I needed to setup my Spring-Boot app to manage 2 instances of the Mongo driver. This allowed me to configure each one with database specific settings like the ReadPreference example below.

My requirements:

  1. I wanted all Spring configuration in Java code/annotations. (I hate XML!)
  2. I wanted Spring to manage both the Mongo and MongoTemplate objects.
  3. I wanted to use MongoRepository Interface beans and have the correct MongoTemplate back it.

The first thing we need to do is create a base configuration that will contain the generic beans shared between our two databases.

public class MongoConfiguration {
     * For a clustered Mongo environment we would want to load multiple 
     * hosts. This will work if we use a single host or clustered.
     * If the mongo.hosts key could not be found defaults to localhost
     * One of the following would exist in our Spring properties file
     * 1) mongo.hosts = localhost
     * 2) mongo.hosts =,,
    private List<String> hosts;

     * The port our Mongo hosts are running on.
     * Defaults to 27017
    private int port;

     * Creates a base Mongo instance that can be configured for each 
     * implementation.
     * NOTE: If you are trying to connect to multiple MongoDB's then 
     * you would want to create 2 instances of this method as beans 
     * loading the correct mongo hosts. For my implementation I just 
     * wanted different global configurations pointed at the same 
     * database.
     * @return A generic Mongo instance pointed at the hosts.
     * @throws Exception
    private Mongo createMongo() throws Exception {
        final List<ServerAddress> serverList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (final String host : hosts) {
            serverList.add(new ServerAddress(host, port));
        // MongoClientOptions would be created here and passed into 
        // the MongoClient as it's second param.
        return new MongoClient(serverList);
    public Mongo readFromSecondaryNodeMongo() {
        final Mongo mongo = createMongo();
        // Do custom global configuration
        return mongo;
    public Mongo readFromPrimaryNodeMongo() {
        final Mongo mongo = createMongo();
        return mongo;

     * This is the default DB Factory and will have the 
     * readFromSecondaryNodeMongo() bean injected due to the @Primary 
     * annotation
     * @param mongo auto injected using the @Primary bean
     * @return a new MongoDbFactory
    public MongoDbFactory mongoDbFactory(Mongo mongo) {
        return new SimpleMongoDbFactory(mongo, "DatabaseName");

Now that we have beans defined we need to create the configurations that will define and load the MongoTemplates into the correct repository interfaces.

 * The basePackages needs to point to the Interfaces
 * this configuration is going to back.
        basePackages = "com.example.primary",
        mongoTemplateRef = "readPrimaryNodeTemplate"
public class ReadPrimaryNodeConfiguration {
     * The @Qualifier here so we can load the non-default
     * Mongo bean.
     * @param mongo the non-default Mongo instance
     * @return a new MongoTemplate
     * @throws Exception thrown from MongoTemplate
    public MongoTemplate readPrimaryNodeTemplate(
            @Qualifier("readFromPrimaryNodeMongo") Mongo mongo
    ) throws Exception {
        final MongoDbFactory factory = 
                new SimpleMongoDbFactory(mongo, "DatabaseName");
        return new MongoTemplate(factory);

 * The basePackages needs to point to the Interfaces
 * this configuration is going to back.
        basePackages = "com.example.secondary",
        mongoTemplateRef = "readSecondaryNodeTemplate"
public class ReadSecondaryNodeConfiguration {
     * We don't use an @Qualifier here so the default 
     * MongoDbFactory in MongoConfiguration will be injected
     * @param factory the default factory
     * @return a new MongoTemplate
     * @throws Exception thrown from MongoTemplate
    public MongoTemplate readSecondaryNodeTemplate(
            MongoDbFactory factory) throws Exception {
        return new MongoTemplate(factory);

With that all we need to do is create the repository interface beans in the correct base package.

This will be backed by the MongoTemplate created in the

public interface ReadPrimaryNodeRepository 
        extends MongoRepository<MyDocument, String> {
    // Method to look up a document by its ID
    MyDocument findById(String id);

And this one will be backed by the MongoTemplate created in

public interface ReadSecondaryNodeRepository 
        extends MongoRepository<MyDocument, String> {
    // Method to look up a document by its ID
    MyDocument findById(String id);