Test downloads with Neustar

Recently I was asked to write a Neustar script to download files from the browser. The goal of the script would be to calculate the sites performance during [X] downloads.

The following is the download step:

var wrapper = driver.findElement(By.className("download-wrapper"));
// Find the name, size, and url of the download
var downloadName = wrapper.findElement(By.cssSelector(".download-info")).getText();
var downloadSize = wrapper.findElement(By.cssSelector(".size")).getText();
var downloadUrl = wrapper.findElement(By.partialLinkText("DOWNLOAD")).getAttribute("href");

// Fix name and size 
// Name: [EpicDownload.zip\n] (remove ' \n')
// Size: [99999999 bytes] (remove ' bytes') 
downloadName = downloadName.substr(0, downloadName.indexOf("\n"));
downloadSize = downloadSize.substr(0, downloadSize.indexOf(" "));

// Create the httpClient with the cookies from Selenium
var client = driver.getHttpClient();
client.setCheckValidSSL(false); // Test sites usually have invalid certs
client.setSocketOperationTimeout(60000); // This value will change depending on the site requirements

// If your site requires cookie authentication (Jsessionid) then we need to add the cookies
// to the httpRequest from Selenium.
var javaCookies = driver.manage().getCookies();

// Create the http GET request on the download url
var httpGet = client.newGet(downloadUrl);

// Call to custom setCookies function to add all the cookies to the http request
var httpRequest = setCookies(javaCookies, httpGet);

//Download the file to memory (do not write to the file system)
test.log("Starting download: " + downloadName + " [" + downloadSize + " bytes]");

// This will download the file from the server into memory
var httpResponse = httpRequest.execute();

// For our test we didn't need to assert anything but you could check that the download size is
// correct. Or the file name matches your expected.
var transactionStepObject = httpResponse.getInfo();
test.log("Download completed [" + transactionStepObject.getBytes() + " bytes] in " +
    transactionStepObject.getTimeActive() + "ms");

//--- Util Functions

// Takes an array of javaCookies (from Selenium) and adds them to the httpRequest
var setCookies = function setCookies(javaCookies, httpRequest) {
    var javaCookiesArray = javaCookies.toArray();
    var cookieString = "";

    // Populate the cookieString with all cookies currently contained in the driver
    for (var i = 0; i < javaCookiesArray.length; i++) {
        var cookie = javaCookiesArray[i];
        cookieString += cookie.getName() + "=" + cookie.getValue() + ", domain=" + cookie.getDomain() + ", path=" +
            cookie.getPath() + "; ";

    // Add the cookies as a request header
    httpRequest.addRequestHeader("Cookie", cookieString);

    return httpRequest;